If you are new to building and owning websites, or even just a single website, you will want to know how to get and increase traffic to your website. Think of your website as a store you have built in the great worldwide web. Just because you build it does not mean that they will come. You will have to apply SEO strategies to your website and get it ranking higher than your competition in order to be seen. This could take a little while and is not usually something that will happen overnight.
1. What is SEO
The first thing you need to know is what SEO is. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is required that you have a good Miami SEO strategy in place in order to rank higher in Google’s search engine. It is really all about strategic placing of keywords, and optimizing your website to the best of its ability.
2. How to Find Keywords
If you reach out to a small business SEO consultant in Miami, they are going to tell you to come up with a list of terms that you think that people will search for when looking for your business or products. These are what you would call keywords and are a very important part of getting your website SEO ready.
3. Keyword Tools and Generators
Any small business SEO consultant in Miami is going to probably have their own keyword tool or generator that they like to use to come up with keywords as well as what you provide them with. Keyword tools are really just used to generate the most popular searched for phrases and words in Google and the other popular search engines.
4. Keywords and Content on your Website
Once you have your list of keywords, you will need to have some content written that pertains to your website and uses those keywords a certain amount of time. While no one really knows but the experts how many times you should include the keywords in your content, you can play around with it and just start off using them two to three times per 500 words on your website.
5. Optimization of Your Website
There is a lot more to SEO than just using keywords and providing content on your website. You will need to make sure that your URL’s and links are optimized as well as your META tags and ALT tags for images are revamped for the best results.
As you can see there is a lot of things that go along with SEO to increase website traffic. Yes, it can be overwhelming, and if it is too much you can always search in Google for small business SEO consultant Miami, to get professional help.