Don’t fear a free proposal, they can be very helpful and useful. Getting a base price can help you plan ahead for an expense. Though there are some pushy salespeople, most are going to respect your wishes to either think about the proposal or choose not to hire the Internet marketing company giving the free proposal.
When requesting a proposal you want to know what you will be expecting from an Internet marketing company. If you don’t know what your business’ needs are, get a free consultation with an expert or do a lot of research online. When possible, speak with peers that have similar, but non-competing businesses. They will be able to help you decide what Internet marketing services may be needed.
Get a free proposal from a trusted Internet marketing company that will respect your privacy and not share the information that you give them. The information that they ask for should be entered into a form that is on a secured website page. If bank account information is requested, passwords to other accounts are requested, or a social security number is requested, steer clear of the free proposal. Those things aren’t necessary when requesting a proposal.
Information that may be needed to receive a free proposal to market your Internet business:
- Name of person requesting the proposal
- Title of person requesting the proposal
- Company name
- Contact information (phone and email)
- Business’ mailing address
- Website address
- Budget available (include future budgeted amounts)
- Internet marketing experience (if any)
- Goals (can be discussed with consultant first)
- Ideal times for contact
- Description of services needed
- Type of business
Karma Snack Internet Marketing will give you a free proposal. You can also get a free website analysis with recommendations. To talk to a consultant and find out about all the Internet marketing services available, today.