Once you have your website up and running you probably look forward to your website becoming well-known. For that to happen, it needs to reach a large, targeted audience. There are both fee and paid Internet marketing strategies. Promoting your website is what will get it known. There are many benefits to hiring an Internet marketing company, but if you don’t have the funds, you will want to get started on your own and then when the funds are available, look into hiring an experienced Internet marketing company. There are some free marketing options like the ones below:
- You can create mini sites like Squidoo and Hub Pages. You can put the essence of your site into these mini-pages and then back link it to your main site.
- You can become a forum member on related forums and post with your website link in your signature.
- Create relationships on relevant communities on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YoutTube, and Orkut. Include your link in a way that will not be perceived as spamming. Back linking your site will improve the ranking with Google and direct more traffic to your website.
- You can write articles on your niche and then post them in different article directories. Be sure to include links to your website. Once search engines like Google index them, you will get some results and if your articles have good content, publishers will post your articles (with links). That way, your site reaches more eyes and will get an increase in traffic, sales, and income.
- You can put ads in free classifieds sections online. Currently, Craigslist is the king of classifieds and posting your ad in it will beneficial.
All the above are great free Internet marketing options. Of course you need to continually update and stay on top of these marketing options. It is good to stay clear of spamming and develop a good image.
Of course free marketing can only take you so far, when you are ready to step it up and go to the next level you will want to contact a company like Karma Snack to find out more about marketing services that are available. To get you started they offer a free proposal and free website analysis.