Guerilla marketing
Guerilla marketing has nothing to do with guerrillas in the jungle or guerrillas in the zoo; guerilla marketing is a term that is used to refer to unconventional marketing. It is about getting results using less money and more creativity. Guerilla marketing is a form of viral marketing. Many Internet businesses choose to use Guerilla marketing as one of their strategies.
Many Internet companies can get some results from their own guerilla marketing. It may be harder to keep all marketing strategies coordinated to get the best results, so many companies hire an Internet marketing company to implement their ideas and to coordinate the marketing strategies to get better results.
Why Guerillas Marketing Tactics are Used
- Increased competition for fewer customers as companies shut their doors from lack of business during a poor economy
- Affordable technology allows guerilla marketing to be more affordable and accessible
- Avoid Internet business failure
- Low cost and inexpensive
- Easy to understand and implement
How to Prepare for Guerilla Marketing
- Become knowledgeable-you can use the knowledge that you already have and you can do research to become more knowledgeable about marketing. Know generally about the customers in general and specifically about the customers from your own business. Knowledge will promote creativity and ideas.
- Use questionnaires-use a different one for different groups of customers (one for purchasers of exercise DVD’s, a different one for purchasers of supplements, and another one for exercise clothing). The more you know about your customers the more targeted your marketing campaign can be.
- Evaluate and analyze the information and knowledge gathered-once you look over the information you have, you can then take the information and use it to make changes. The information may also be used to decide which marketing strategies should be kept because they are working.
- Look over other companies’ successful marketing campaigns-it is not to steal their ideas, but look at why their ideas work. Sometimes a new product or presentation of an old product
- Know the enemy-know who your competition is. You don’t want to be copying their strategies, but you also want to know what is working for them
- Understand and utilize new technology and media-with the Internet, there are a lot more options available and should be utilized to be sure that you are using the resources that are available to you.
80/20 Rule and Guerilla Marketing
- When you know where 80% of your sales are coming from, you will need to put your effort into that to make that 80% even more successful.
- Know the 20% of the customers that are generating 80% of the sales and focus on them. You may not get them to buy more, but they have friends, family, and coworkers who may need what you are selling.
- Use 20% of the income to maintain the top 80% of successful Internet marketing strategies. Guerilla marketing is one of the strategies that can be used successfully.
Examples of Guerilla Marketing
- Optical illusions can make people look twice
- Shocking images like a buttocks image for a shade screen for a window
- Logo in unusual and unexpected places
- Add a design or prop to make one object look like another object
- Common items or designs in uncommon places
- Objects that are oversized or undersized
- Attention-getting stunts
When getting the attention of the crowd or passerby, be sure the company’s logo/name is in a prominent place so that it will bring attention to the company. Chances are if it is a really good attention-getting marketing idea, photos of it will be spread around the Internet with your company name.
For all your Internet marketing needs, including guerrilla marketing, contact Karma Snack, a knowledgeable and experienced Internet marketing company.