Website owners come to Karma Snack asking this exact question. They want to increase their traffic, increase their leads/sales, and increase their revenue, and be able to manage a growing online business.
We specialize in Internet Marketing for businesses with budgets as little at $1000 to over $5000 a month. It’s important to note that we can adjust to any size budget to help you gain the sales you are looking for.
Internet Marketing Campaign
A proper Internet marketing campaign can include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click management (PPC), and social media marketing (Viral). Each one of these areas can help you achieve amazing results when it comes to increasing your online traffic. Let’s talk a little about each one of these.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO techniques are utilized by Karma Snack to increase your rankings, presence, and traffic from search engines. Search engines have the ability to deliver massive amounts of traffic to your business. A proper search engine optimized website and Internet marketing campaign can reap you great rewards.
During SEO, web directories are utilized to gain you traffic from specific industry directories that will drive targeted traffic to your website, as well as show the search engines that your website is being linked to from well know authority websites that the search engines trust. This process helps increase your PageRank (Google’s search engine rankings system).
RSS feeds are also utilized to spread the message of you website, your pages, and content throughout the Internet and generate you traffic by linking back to your website.
Writing and syndicating articles that are geared toward your targeted audience will feed the search engine spiders, which are hungry for information about your services. The syndicating process allows your article, video content, and images to be seen on other major trafficked websites, which in return send you traffic for being the original source of the content.
An important factor in SEO is updating your website with fresh new content that will keep the search engine spiders fed and continue to send you traffic since your information is up to date.
There are other factors that are involved in SEO, and that are important to fully understand how search engines such as Google, Yahoo, ASK, and MSN can send you thousands of visitors on a daily basis. You can read more about these techniques in the “Karma Snack Knowledge Center” as well.
Pay Per Click
A proper pay-per-click campaign can be utilized to drive immediate traffic that you pay for on a per-click basis from the major traffic source websites such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, and MSN. Google’s Adwords advertising program is one of the most famous PPC programs online.
With a PPC campaign, you bid on your targeted keywords to gain traffic to your website. If your bid is good enough with a good quality score, your Ad will appear for your keywords and with properly optimized Ad copy people will click on your Advertisements. Once they go to your website, your landing pages will be the portal to your website, in which you will be able to sell them on your services and convert them into sales.
At Karma Snack, we help increase your quality score, so you pay less than your competition for your keywords, but still, have your advertisement placed higher than theirs. We create and test new ad copy and landing pages to optimize them for increased sales.
An example: We create an Ad that has a Click-through rate of about 5% (5% of the visitor that sees the Ad click on it), and your landing page has a conversion rate of about 15% (15% of the people that landing on your page become a sale or lead), we work and test your ad copy to increase the click-through rate (CTR), and increase the conversion rate on your landing page, so you get more bang for your buck. We also work to reduce keywords that are not performing and increase ones that are doing excellent. It is a daily ongoing process of monitoring bidding strategy to get the maximum results for your website.
PPC is the fastest way to increase your traffic tomorrow for your website but compared to Viral, and SEO, it the most expensive.
Viral Marketing
Viral marketing involves getting traffic from buzz marketing websites. These websites include traffic portals (directories, industry portals), social bookmarking sites (Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, etc), social media websites (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Yelp, etc), and web 2.0 websites (YouTube, Squidoo, Merchant Circle, etc).
Understanding your target audience and where they visit when they are online is the first step. We encompass statistics and analytics of your targeted audience into every viral marketing campaign. We get traffic from places that your target audience visits and don’t concentrate on places where a 10-year-old kid for example will be surfing (Unless that is your target audience).
Forums and message boards are also another great way of getting traffic that we encompass into your viral marketing campaign. Newsletter solutions, allow you to increase your list to up-sell to current customers and help them stay informed, this is also considered buzz marketing.
Viral Marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate targeted traffic, and when done properly can propel a website’s traffic very quickly.
When comparing PPC, SEO, or Viral to any traditional marketing media such as TV, Radio, or Print, Internet Marketing is by far the cheapest way to get sales for a business. It has the highest ROI and is most important, measurable, and accountable.
For more useful resources and information on Internet marketing, or if you would like to talk directly to us please get in touch with us today by going to our contact us page.
At Karma Snack, we guarantee that if you don’t see significant results within 7 to 10 months of your marketing campaign, no matter what, your next year is FREE!!!