For those who have had a successful business without a website, can accept times are changing and understand it is time to step into the Internet.
For those same business owners who are used to doing business face to face, there is the fear that the Internet is impersonal and is hesitant to get a website.
Of course, it is not the same as doing business in person, but there are ways to personalize the website.
One of the first steps is hiring a Miami internet marketing agency like Karma Snack, who will explain what they are going to do and why. A skilled website designer will be able to create a website that not only represents the image you want to present accurately, but they will also be able to add the personal touches that will reflect the way you have been doing business.
There will always be customers who will be more comfortable doing business face to face and they will continue to come into the business. Don’t be surprised, though if some of them occasionally enjoy the convenience of accessing information and products from the convenience of their home computer or phone.
Adding videos and photos will put a face and place to your company name. Using candid styled photos and videos will create familiarity with you, your company, and your customers. Include images of the location, employees, and customers.
Having an employee page with photos and a little about the employees like interests and business-related accomplishments will often trigger conversation during the first contact with the potential customer. Don’t have anything too personal and always have the employee’s permission. It might even be wise to get written permission.
When doing business online or over the phone, you can always invite the new customer to stop in the store for coffee, soda, or even a small free gift (like a magnet) to encourage face-to-face interaction.
When interviewing a web designer be sure to let them know it is your first website and that you want to make it friendly and personal, to be in line as much as possible to your current way of doing business. Look over the portfolio at KarmaSnack.com and then contact them to see what they can do for you and your business.