Many companies have either a printed or an online newsletter that just are not newsy! It has bland information because there is really nothing new happening with their product or service that is offered by the business who publishes the newsletter. A person who receives the newsletter will often ignore it or put it in the pile to be read later, but later never happens.
There are ways to get readers to read the newsletter and to hang on to the newsletter. Here are some ideas for news for newsletters to get them read the day they arrive.
- Only publish newsletters when you have something to write about – Consider how often that you send out your newsletter. Cut down the frequency if you don’t have any good information to publish in your newsletter.
- Include seasonal information on the front page – During the summer you could have an article on heat stroke and heat exhaustion, swimming pool safety, or sunburn treatment. With useful information the newsletter is more likely to be read and saved as a reference.
- Offer coupons and discounts that are only available from the newsletter – Reference to the savings can be mentioned on the first page of the newsletter and the coupon or discount description can be on an inside page. This will encourage the reader to look through the pages of the newsletter. The offers should have an expiration date to motivate action.
- Include current events – When there is news and current events related to the company that distributes the newsletter include that in the newsletter.
- Product or service of the month – Each month can feature a product or service. In addition to a detailed description, there can be a special related to the product or service.
- Include a pull out children’s page – Have a coloring page or word game for children. On the bottom of the page include the business name, address, phone number, and contact information.
Karma Snack Internet Marketing Company can show you how a newsletter can be part of your Internet marketing campaign. Contact one of the experienced staff at Karma Snack today.