The Internet has made face-to-face meetings obsolete. There are webcams that are used, especially by big businesses, but most transactions made by the average person in the world of online shopping are impersonal or worse yet, the face that is associated with the transaction is a random photo stolen from the Internet. So how can a business owner or manager stand out and make the transaction seem personal when doing business online? Personalizing the contact with customers can do it. There are a number of ways to personalize online contact with customers.
Personalized emails
When the emails you send have the customer’s name on the email, it decreases the appearance of spam and your customers will appreciate the personal touch. They are also more likely to read the email.
Post a photo
Have a photo of yourself on your website on the “about” page. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy. It can be a candid or posed shot, but it will put a face to the name. If your company has an office or retail shop, post a photo of it. If you work from you home you could post a photo of the area, like a shot of the city or the desert with cacti in bloom. If you can’t post an authentic photo of yourself or your location, don’t post anything.
Tell the story
Include the history of how the business began. Tell a little of the owners’ background and any other key employees. Include any funny or unique stories about the business. This can also be included on the “about” page.
Know your customers
Know your customers and mention them in articles (with permission). Write about things that interest them. Create a community that others want to be a part of. Surveys are one way to get to know customers and their experience with a business. The surveys can be done at the time of the delivery or upon receiving the invoice.
Expressing appreciation verbally, with gifts, or rewards is a way to let your customers know that they are important to you. Often it is the small gestures that will stand out when it is personalized for the recipient.
Why bother with making it personal with your customers? In the faceless world of the Internet, it will help you stand out among your competition online. An Internet marketing company like Karma Snack can make sure your image is personable and you stand out in a crowd. With professional Internet marketing, your business will be able to keep the customers it has and bring in many new customers.