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Ways Bum Marketing Can Help a Website Gain Visibility


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The term, Bum Marketing, refers to Internet marketing strategies that are so simple that even a bum off the street can do it. Bum marketing is one Internet marketing method that almost every marketer tries. However there are certain things about it that must be done in the right way to make it effective. Bum marketing has one huge advantage and that is that there are no costs involved in bum marketing. Unlike search engine optimization or pay per click advertising campaigns, bum marketing would never cost you a penny. Search engines increase the ranking of a site depending on how many times the site is referred to from other more popular sites. This is exactly what bum marketing utilizes to help itself with better search engine ranking results.

There are many sites like blogs, forums, social networks, etc. which are visited by a large number of Internet users. Bum marketing includes posting about your product and writing articles that increase awareness about your brand, services, and products on such websites ensures that some of the Internet visitors who frequent these websites are directed to your business’ website where you can then tell them more about your product and hopefully sell the products or services that are offered. Eventually these sites become great Internet traffic sources for a business.

The next step in bum marketing is to market in your own niche. Over the long term you can build a customer base only if you have a niche and you provide a value to the customers that stands out among the competition. This is what will drive Internet traffic to your website, increase sales, and encourage repeat customers. There are really two parts to this.

  1. Sharing information about your product, service, or business
  2. Posting links to your site on social networking sites, popular blogs, forums etc.

By doing the above, you start a stream of targeted Internet visitors to your website. The bounce rate of these visitors (how many visit again and what percentage of the visitors are first time visitors) will tell you whether your site really offers something special that will benefit customers. A successful niche combined with meeting the needs of potential customers will increase the number of customers that will always come back to you. So it is important to retain their interest in your website or blog.

Mutual collaboration where some sites allow you to post your articles on their site is another way you can popularize your site by using the popularity of another site. This is a two-way relationship. This is successful with related, but non-competing websites. The source site gets content to provide to Internet visitors without having to pay for it and you get a chance to attract their Internet visitors to your sites.

Bum marketing involves more of a time investment than a financial investment. Not every Internet business owner has the time available to market his or her own business. This is when an experienced Internet marketing company, like Karma Snack, should be hired. They can effectively develop an Internet marketing campaign that will get results fast. Look over the Internet marketing services that they have available and contact them for a free proposal today.