A logo and its colors identify a company, when choosing website colors it is important to choose a color scheme that accurately represents the company and presents the image intended. A company’s colors are often decided early in the business planning stages. Some businesses just randomly pick a couple colors unaware of the image it portrays. Some colors don’t look the same on the Internet due to different browsers and being viewed on screens with varied quality, as they do face-to-face.
When a business chooses website colors, the business will choose one of the following 3 options:
1. Remain with an existing color scheme
2. Incorporate an existing color scheme with a new color scheme
3. Choose a new color scheme.
A large company that has been in business for a long time should use the existing color scheme for the website. In this case, it is best to not change the colors. A talented web designer, like the ones at Karma Snack, can make the colors work for the website. This is to maintain consistency. Current customers will feel more comfortable navigating a new website when there are the familiar colors and logo on the website. For smaller companies, new companies, and companies that are ready to make some changes, a new color scheme can be chosen. The color scheme should be Internet-friendly, reflecting the image the company desires.
When a company wants to change colors and maintain consistency between the website and the current business, the original logo and colors can be integrated into the website design with the new colors. Many companies want to improve their image, but don’t have the funds to change uniforms, vehicles, printed material, etc. Some businesses choose to have a face-to-face image and a separate Internet image. Discussing the options with a skilled and professional Internet marketer can help a business choose the option that will be most effective for the company. Karma Snack has staff available to help make those choices and are able to follow through with designing a professional website that meets the unique needs of the business.
A new company or one that is ready to be “new and improved” should find out what colors will accurately reflect the image that they want to present and will also be compatible with the Internet. It is no secret that Internet use will only grow in the future and an established website will eventually have a lot of visitors. In the future, companies will be increasingly known for their website, so this is the best place to start for a color scheme. The following can be color-coordinated with the website colors or just have a logo that matches the website:
- Uniforms
- Business cards
- Letterhead
- Vehicles
Choosing a website color is important. Contact the staff at Karma Snack to create a website that accurately reflects your company’s image.