An article marketing campaign is an important part of many marketing campaigns. Some website owners choose to do their own writing, but most will hire a copywriter to do their writing. To get the most from your articles, keyword research will need to be done. This is important to a successful article marketing campaign. In order to get the articles that are a part of your Internet marketing campaign seen and noticed, you will need to do some on-page SEO (search engine optimizing) work. Simply put, this means that you will need to do some strategic things while you are writing your articles so that the search engines will give your articles priority and good rankings for the keywords that your articles are optimized for.
Choosing Keywords for Article Marketing
To begin with you will need to choose a specific keyword or keyword phrase that you want to target before you ever begin writing your articles for submission or to use on your website. This is what you will want to get a good ranking for in Google and the other search engines. This it is important for your article to be high up on the list of results of searches, once you publish it. As such, you will want to include your keyword or keyword phrase several times throughout the article. You will still need useful information in your article so that it will be used. It can’t just be stuffed with keywords and fluffed with poor quality information.
Using Keywords for Article Marketing
Now you may be wondering just how many times you really need to include your keyword or keyword phrase in the article that you are writing in order to get a high ranking within the Search Engines. You will find that there are a lot of experts who will tell you that the “magic number” is a percentage, not a set number of times that it must appear within the article itself. However, it really isn’t so complex. The fact is that you only need to put your keyword or keyword phrase in your article just one time. It really is that simple. Of course, you do want to make sure that this one time is within the opening paragraph itself, as this will help you to get the most consistent rankings for your articles.
It is recommended and it doesn’t hurt to repeat the keywords in an article and can be a benefit. To get ranked, including the keyword or keyword phrase one time can do it, so there’s no need to complicate it. Use the keywords as they naturally fit into the article. Don’t rely on just your keywords; make sure your article has useful information in it. Putting your article’s title once in your resource box whenever you submit it to the article directory will be helpful.
Internet Marketing & Article Marketing
Submitting articles to as many article directories will increase the exposure of the articles and the opportunity for incoming links. The best way to make sure that your articles will be used is by submitting quality articles with valuable content. A hired copywriter can write articles or you can use a copywriter from an Internet marketing company when you don’t feel confident or qualified to do the article writing yourself.
You won’t be able to rely solely on article directory submissions and quality articles on your website to be successful at getting your website ranked in the top pages of Google. You will need other Internet strategies like making use of social networking, professional website design, viral marketing, and more. To avoid being overwhelmed or not being able to optimize the potential of a website, many Internet business owners choose to hire a professional Internet marketing company like Karma Snack. Get a free website analysis and free proposal today by contacting one of the Miami SEO professionals at Karma Snack.