On the road, if you find out a route has a lot of traffic, you will probably do what you can to avoid the traffic on that route and find an alternative route. When it comes to your website you will seek out traffic. When you don’t have traffic to your business or personal website, does it really make sense to keep going in the direction you have been? It is probably time to change the route. Sometimes that can be accomplished on your own and other times you will need a professional marketing company like Karma Snack. In troubled economic times, even though budgets are tight, it might be best to get the help of a professional and hire a marketing company. When the income drops due to the economy, you don’t have time to figure it out yourself and an experienced marketing company will be worth the cost when time is limited to turn things around.
Traffic to a website is the visitors that come to a website. It is hoped that they don’t just visit but they stay, click on ads, generate leads, and make purchases. The goal is to generate income from visitors. Website visitors are counted and logged by various means. The number of website visitors is often compared to the number of clicks on a promotion. It is the documenting and analysis of the traffic that helps determine the success of an Internet marketing strategy.
Not all traffic is considered equal. Traffic that doesn’t produce income looks good on paper but will leave the business wallet empty. When analyzing traffic the following will determine the quality of the traffic:
• Length of visit
• Lead generation
• Keyword relevance
• Number of returning visitors
• Conversion Rate
High traffic that doesn’t generate income must be evaluated to determine if the traffic that arrives is targeted to the product or service. If the traffic is targeted, then an experienced Internet marketer can create a strategy to get the traffic to convert into leads and clicks. If the traffic is not targeted, the marketer must re-group and re-design to get the targeted visitors that result in income generation.
It is better to have fewer visitors with a high conversion rate than to have more visitors with a low conversion rate. Quality does matter, not just quantity. The bottom line has to do with the dollar signs, not the number of visitors.
Wish you knew more about the traffic going to your website? Go to KarmaSnack.com to get a free website analysis. When you need a professional and experienced Internet marketer, Karma Snack has what it takes to deliver results.