To get more return on your investment (ROI) is the goal of every company that is in business to make money. Even companies that are non-profit want as high a return on investment as possible, so that they can have more money available to do the good works that they were set up to do. During times when the economy is bad and there is less money available for investing, it is even more important to have the highest return on an investment.
The first step in being able to have a return on your investment is to be able to be seen. On the World Wide Web, people need to know you exist. Once you can be found and Internet users can easily find you when searching for you product, service, or company, then you can start working on you ROI. A website needs to be search engine optimized (SEO). That means the website must be designed in a way that the search engines know that the website exists and the website provides valuable information to those using the search engine.
The goal is to be on page one, because each page behind page one gets fewer visitors than page one does. Less people go to page two, even less to page three, and the visitors continue to be reduced with each page.
It is not enough to just be able to be found if your company name is typed into a search or be easily found by Internet users that are interested in what your product or service is. If you sell lime green baby blankets, you want to have people coming to your site who are interested in buying lime green baby blankets. Narrowing down the targeted audience may result in fewer visitors, but ROI will increase, because a high percentage of the visitors that do come to the site are going to purchase a lime green blanket. You could target everyone that wants information on blankets and may have a very high number of visitors, but the ROI will be low because people will be coming to the site who may have the following interests in blankets:
- Lime green full size blankets
- Making blankets
- Blankets for beds
- Quilted blankets
- Selling blankets
- Washing blankets
- Storing blankets
- Baby blankets of colors other than lime green
- Horse blankets
- Handmade blankets
Well…you get the point. It looks good on paper when there are a lot of visitors to a website, but when you actually look at the percentage of sales of lime green baby blankets, you will see very few of the visitors actually buying. This is a simplified example, but it still makes the point of the importance of getting targeted visitors to a website. An Internet marketing company that focuses on SEO and ignores ROI does a disservice to their client by providing a partial service. Bragging rights when page one is reached is a hallow victory if the website doesn’t make money.
An experienced Internet marketing company like Karma Snack understands the relationship between ROI and SEO. They won’t try to just impress you with reaching page one and having a lot of visitors, they want you to have a high ROI. They know how to market your Internet business, service, or product so that will happen in a timely manner. They also want you to be able to maintain that high ROI and will monitor your website to make sure that is happening. Contact them today for more information and a free websites analysis.