A website needs SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in order to drive targeted traffic using keywords to it. Since there are several millions of pages online competing for any particular keyword, SEO techniques are used to make sure that your website shows up high in the rankings for your top keywords. But that’s not enough when it comes to working with Karma Snack. We take things to the next level, and we’ll show you how.
Purpose of a Website
The 1st goal of a good website is to give important information to current customers/clients about your product, without the necessary “hassle” of directly communicating with you whenever they have a question. This can be solved by a frequent asked questions page, and articles about your products/services.
At Karma Snack, we take this to the next level, by implementing customer feedback solutions, customer surveys, email newsletter solutions, live-chat capabilities, and more to better interactive with your customers and provided better customer services. A happy customer is a returning customer, that’s our motto.
The 2nd goal of a website is to be an information source for potential new customers/clients. Utilized as a sales tools, you can convey your message better and more precisely with your website, your pages, your content, your images, and your videos.
At Karma Snack, we take this concept to the next level, by A/b split testing your messages, and using the data to find out what message better connect with your targeted audience, and results in increased revenue.
Purpose of SEO
Search engine optimization allows you better control and increases your presence online to convey your marketing message to your targeted audience.
Search engine optimization increases traffic to your website from major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, ASK, and MSN. With proper website SEO optimization, traffic going to your website will be highly focused, targeted, and actively looking for your products/services.
SEO allows you to increase your Internet presence on other industry web portals to gain new potential clients, and remind past customers of your brand.
Website SEO increases your traffic from lesser known, or minor search engines as well. These lesser-known search engines drive more targeted traffic, and are at times more industry specific. Since your website has been built to be SEO strong from the ground up by Karma Snack, when you get rankings in these smaller search engines, you will usually dominate their search engine results, which will result in your getting more increased targeted traffic to your website.
A part of the SEO process involves getting listings with web, industry, and niche directories. These web properties allow you to gain further exposure to targeted audience and help increase you PageRank and Trust Rank. An increase in PageRank and Trust Rank allows you to become an authority in the major search engines, which in return will increase the traffic they deliver to your website.
Viral SEO
Social media, social bookmarking, and web 2.0 websites have become more famous and known for driving lots of traffic. With a proper SEO campaign that also focuses in on the viral media aspect, traffic from major social media websites can be generated quickly.
Some of the most famous social media websites are Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon, Merchant Circle, Delicious, and Yelp. There thousands of other social media websites that have targeted communities that can be utilized to increase traffic for your website. At Karma Snack, we focus in on social media websites that bring you focused traffic that will increase your sales.
A good SEO campaign should increase your presence online, your influence in the search engines, and increase your online revenue. The main goal of SEO is to increase your traffic in general from highly trafficked websites, and gain you more potential clients.
Why Online Marketing?
A User-friendly and interactive website is the first step, but since the Internet is so massive, there is no “build and they will come” scenario. An Internet marketing campaign using SEO is necessary to gain the traffic to your website.
There are millions of pages competing for the top 10 spots on the major search engines. You need to have the right tools, know-how, and help that Karma Snack can provide you to achieve the top rankings for keywords that are going to drive and increase your revenue. When it all said and done, bottom line, the only thing that matter is results.
The competitive nature of the Internet does not allow businesses the luxury of staying on the sideline and waiting for things to get better. In order to survive in any business, you have to go out and marketing your business.
Online Marketing vs. Print, Radio, & TV
Online marketing has proven to be the most cost effective, and fastest way to increase sales for products and services.
Need proof, just as the big newspapers and television stations. They are losing advertising dollars since the major brands are shifting their focus to online, since it provides a higher, and most importantly, a measurable return on investment. You read about it every day, the Internet is killing newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV.
The reason businesses are shifting their budgets online (Just last year there was a 60% increase in online marketing in the last year), is due to the measurable performance and the capability to get your message in front of your targeted audience! That’s key.
At Karma Snack, we guarantee that if you don’t see significant results within 7 to 10 months of your marketing campaign, no matter what budget (campaigns range from $1000 to $4000 a month), we will give you the next year’s contract FREE!!! Contact Us Today to learn more about how we can help you achieve better results online.